Find Us:
The Johnsonville
Physiotherapy Centre
3/7 Johnsonville Road, Johnsonville,
Wellington, NZ
Newlands Medical Centre
15 Batchelor Street, Newlands,
Wellington, NZ
Phone: 04 478 3561
Email: thejvillephysio@xtra.co.nz
Monday to Thursday
8.00am - 6.00pm
8.00am - 2.30pm
Saturday/Sunday & Public Holidays

at its Best
We specialise in manipulative therapy, sports and spinal injury treatment and rehabilitation. We have a small gym on site where we are able to offer rehabilitation following injury, surgery and joint replacement. Clinical Pilates are used inconjunction with rehab. We are happy to treat any neurological and respiratory referrals and will do home visits on request.
We are an ACC Accredited Contracted Supplier and are able to complete an ACC form in relation to any specific event that caused your injury. However, for work related overuse injuries you will need to consult your GP for an ACC form.

What We Treat
Back pain and sciatica
Neck pain
Disc-related conditions
Disc disease
Shoulder impingement
Frozen shoulder
Repetitive strain injuries (RSI’s)
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) (read more)
Tendonitis and tendon tears
Sprains and strains
Joint dislocation and/or joint instability
Various forms of arthritis
Muscle weakness and muscle tears
General problems involving balance and falls risk